Russia’s Key Task Is to Create a Comfortable Atmosphere for Both People and Business
HSE’s XVI April International Academic Conference opened with the plenary session ‘Global Trends and Economic Growth in Russia: Old Challenges and New Risks.’
people will take part in the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at HSE, which opened today.
Latest Measurement Technology Displayed at MIEM Symposium
On April 3, HSE’s Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) and the company National Instruments organised the first international symposium ‘Computer Measurement Technologies.’
Russia’s Scientific Development Priorities to Be Discussed at April Conference
Scientific cooperation and competition among nations are key issues in modern science and technology policy. In order to put these issues up for public discussion, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) is organizing a special three-day section called ‘Science and Innovations’ as part of HSE’ s XVI April International Academic Conference.
Why Do Economies Stop Growing?
Professor Kyoji Fukao of the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo will give an honorary lecture on "The Structural Causes of Japan's Lost Decades" at the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He talked to HSE English News Website in the run up to the conference.
German Students Enjoy Internships in Russia
From 30th March to 3rd April, 50 German students attended a session of the Business in Russia programme, run jointly by HSE and DAAD and the German Chamber of Foreign Trade since 2012. Students on the programme do six-month internships in German company offices in Russia and prepare group projects on various themes, under the guidance of HSE professor Natalya Guseva.
honorary reports will be presented at the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at HSE.
Four HSE Research Centers Included in the Boston College Worldwide Inventory of Higher Education Research Centers
The Boston College Center for International Higher Education has published its Worldwide Inventory of Research Centers, Academic Programmes and Journals in Higher Education. Four Russian research centers are included, all of them are part of HSE.

Crisis Poses New Challenges for Researchers
The XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development starts on April 7. Below HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin describes what interesting things await this year's participants.
of first-year male HSE students have made achievements in sports. Among first-year female students, only 14% have made such accomplishments.