HSE Scholar Publishes Article in the European Sociological Review
An article by Director of the Centre for Culture of Sociology and Anthropology of Education (CCSAE), Dmitry Kurakin has been published in Oxford University Press’s leading international sociology journal the European Sociological Review. Dr. Kurakin co-wrote the article Horizontal and 'Vertical Gender Segregation in Russia — Changes upon Labour Market Entry before and after the Collapse of the Soviet Regime' with fellow researchers at the European University Institute on the eduLIFE project.
Honorary Lecture by Professor Lawrence Kotlikoff at HSE ICEF
On January 15, Professor Larry Kotlikoff gave a talk on measuring inequality in lifetime spending power within different age cohorts in the USA, net tax rates facing Americans, and current wealth indicators.
of Russians believe that ordinary customers shouldn’t worry about product manufacturing having a negative effect on the environment, people or animals. Instead, they believe that this should be a concern for the state and businesses.

Review of 2015 at the HSE Graduate School of Urban Studies and Planning
2015 has been a year of many changes for the School. The appointment of a new Dean at the start of the year kicked off a flood of innovations. Launching exciting projects and participating in national and international events, the school has been building its reputation and increasing visibility both in Russia and as far afield as Iran and Hong Kong. Winter and Summer Schools and the Laboratory of Advocacy Planning bring more ideas and minds to focus on revolutionising the social process of Urban Planning in Russia and around the world.
HSE Sports Managers Win FIFA/CIES Network Prize
The HSE Sports Management graduates’ project for new style sports academies was named the best project of the international network FIFA/CIES in 2015 by a jury at FIFA’s headquarters in Zurich on January 14th.
of Russian families are generally satisfied with the quality of the education that their children receive in universities.

'I Wasn’t Allowed to Watch TV as a Kid, but Now I Work in the Film Industry'
The media industry is one of today's most dynamic. Illegal downloading has succumbed to the laziness of the honest user, who is now able to watch films online for just 30 rubles. The Managing Director of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Andrei Gromkovskiy, tells Success Builder about the danger and allure of investing in media products, as well as whether there are ways to manipulate people through TV and whether art or business is most important in the world of film.
of those who are currently working toward Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science degrees in Russia are younger than 40 years old.
DAAD Increases Scholarships for German Students at HSE
Since 2013, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has cooperated with HSE. This year, a record number of scholarship places will be available for German students to study in HSE short-term programmes through the Go East initiative.

‘I Like Working in the University’
Tadamasa Sawada is a specialist in the psychology of visual perception at HSE. He has recently talked to the online magazine The Village about everyday Moscow, cultural differences, and doing research in Russia.