iCare Junior in Perm
The Second international student research conference on applied research in economics, International Conference on Applied Research in Economics for Junior Researchers, has been held in Perm.
Education as a Vehicle for Peace
The 5th annual LCSR conference was organized from 15th - 21st November at HSE. One of the keynote speakers at the conference on Cultural and Economic Changes under Cross-national Perspective is the Director of the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute at Qatar University, Darwish Al Emadi. Dr. Al Emadi’s talk was on The Challenges of Surveying in Countries with Unorthodox Population Pyramids. He spoke to HSE English News about his long term goal to improve education on a global level and about his cooperation with HSE.
How Are World Values Changing?
On November 13-14 a meeting of the Executive Committee and the Scientific Advisory Committee of the World Values Survey Association was held at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. The main mission of the meeting was the design of the master questionnaire for the new wave of the World Values Survey to be launched in 2017. World Values Survey scholars are also participating in the LCSR 5th International Annual Research Conference 'Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective' which is currently underway at HSE. Christian Haerpfer, President of the World Values Association, has talked to HSE News Service about the survey and the preparation for its new wave.
Discuss NGOs the Way We Discuss Mathematics
A conference at HSE on 11th & 12th November discussed the issue of relations between the state and non-profit organisations. In the column ‘An Academic’s View’ HSE Vice-RectorLev Jakobson considers how to approach this problem as subject matter for academic discussion.
Mobile App Live Pages Wins Runet Prize
A mobile app, developed by the HSE School of Linguistics with Samsung and the Leo Tolstoy State Museum won the Runet Prize 2015 in the Mobile Runet category.
Excessive Deposit Insurance Prompts Banks to Take More Risks
While helping build consumer trust in credit institutions, deposit insurance can prompt bankers to engage in risky and opportunistic behaviour; larger banks tend to be more cautious and do a better job managing troubled assets, according to Natalia Gorelaya, Associate Professor at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences’ Department of Finance.
‘Our Key Advantage is the International Nature of the Programme and Unique Combination of Theory and Practice’
Master’s programme in Financial Economics of HSE’s International College of Economics and Finance is taught entirely in English and strives to attract applicants who are interested in macro and microeconomics, corporate finance, and econometrics. Maxim Nikitin, the head of the programme has talked to HSE News Service about the programme.
HSE Researchers at the Annual ASHE Conference in Denver
On 4th - 7th November the annual conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, ASHE took place in Denver, Colorado. Incorporated in 1976 ASHE is the oldest professional association in higher education studies and has more than 2,000 members, mostly Americans.
HSE Expanding International Cooperation in the Humanities
In 2016, the Higher School of Economics will be the first Russian university to become an associate member of a large project being carried out by the Freie Universität Berlin’s Dahlem Humanities Center. The project, entitled the Thematic Network Principles of Cultural Dynamics, aims to strengthen international cooperation in humanities research. Its objective is to study the factors that affect the cultural processes in the history of humanity’s development.
'I’m impressed by the mathematical history and general level of mathematical skills here in Moscow'
Bruno Bauwens, an expert in Kolmogorov complexity, is a new recruit at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science. He started in September 2015. Bruno received his PhD from Ghent University in Belgium, after which he held postdoctoral fellowships at Porto University (Portugal), as well as at the University of Montpellier and University of Lorraine.