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BRICS: Prospects and Opportunities

How can cooperation among BRICS countries be built in the modern era? What can contribute to the economic growth of China and Russia? These were the key issues of the Summer School on ‘Economics and Business in BRICS: Perspectives for Russia and China’ that took place in Saint Petersburg in August 2016.

The high economic dynamics of such countries as Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa greatly affects the growth of the world economy as a whole. The structure of global production, foreign direct investment and the potential of the global consumer market depend on coordination between politics and cooperation among BRICS members. The largest members of BRICS – Russia and China – play an important role in this process.

The Summer School on ‘Economics and Business in BRICS: Perspectives for Russia and China’ that was held in August in Saint Petersburg provided students with the opportunity to learn about BRICS countries’ economic growth, the basics of international business in China, Russian financial system, and important aspects of international communications and negotiations.

The programme of the summer school included presentations by international experts, who not only provided the participants with a theoretical background but also analysed some practical cases. Professor Zhang Jun, Dean of the School of Economics at Fudan University, Director of the China Center for Economic Studies, delivered a series of lectures as part of the school. 

Fudan University is one of the most prestigious and oldest universities in China. Professor Zhang Jun has collaborated with such renowned institutions as the London School of Economics, the School of Oriental and African studies at the University of London, Harvard, Yale University, Aarhus University and Tokyo Metropolitan University.

Sergey Kolesnichenko, MMK’s General Representative in China, and one of the experts at the summer school, spoke on the Chinese market and methods of establishing and developing cooperation with enterprises in China. He delivered a series of lectures with Thomas A. Whelan, specialist in strategic and business risk planning, who has also worked as Interim CFO APAC/VP Finance China at KION Group AG.

Elena Rogova, Dean of the St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management, Tatiana Grishchenko, Associate Professor at the St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management, and  Alexander Lisovsky, HSE Visiting Lecturer, also took part in the school.

International students from Italy, China, Morocco, Russia and the Czech Republic participated in the event. Some of the students came from HSE St. Petersburg partner universities.

The school participants presented their projects intended to find new ways for stabilizing the development of Russian and Chinese economies as well as prospects for cooperation among BRICS countries.

See also:

From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel: Summer School in Cardiogenetics

From August 19 to 29, the Continuing Professional Development Centre of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science hosted the summer school 'Cardiogenetics: From Sequencing to Constructing a Cardio Panel,' organised in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Analytical Instrumentation (IAI) and Institute of Spectroscopy (ISAN), and the Syntol company. The summer school was conducted within the framework of the Federal Research Programme for Genetic Technologies Development for 2019–2027 (Project 15.IP.21.0004). 

HSE Researchers to Develop BRICS Exchange System Together with Chinese Experts

HSE University International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre and the Competition Policy and Assessment Centre founded by the State Administration for Market Regulation of China signed a cooperation agreement. The parties agreed to come up with proposals for the development of exchange trade in goods and raw materials between Russia, China, and the BRICS countries.

‘What Makes BRICS Effective Is Its Diversity’: HSE University Representatives Begin Work at EEF

HSE University Vice Rector Victoria Panova spoke at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF 2024) that began in Vladivostok. The topic of her speech was the expansion of BRICS.

'Staying Open to New Challenges and Opportunities Is Crucial'

The Tenth BRICS Youth Summit was held in Ulyanovsk from July 22 to 26. The event was attended by more than 200 early-career professionals from Brazil, India, China, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Russian regions. Participants gathered to discuss current global issues and explore opportunities for youth collaboration. Students of HSE University who attended the Youth Summit shared their impressions with HSE University Life.

'These Are Unforgettable Impressions, I Will Cherish Them Forever'

HSE St Petersburg International Summer School is in full swing—right now, international students from 12 countries are attending lectures and enjoying the cultural programme. The HSE News Service talked to the participants about their most vivid impressions.

HSE University-St Petersburg Hosts Students from 12 Countries at the International Summer School

On July 10, HSE University-St Petersburg launched the International Summer School—a series of classes for students from India, Vietnam, the Republic of Korea and other countries. Foreign guests are getting to know the university, attending lectures in six fields of study, and enjoying an inspiring cultural programme.

HSE University Launches Consortium of BRICS Law Schools

The HSE Faculty of Law hosted an online meeting with law schools and expert centres from BRICS countries. The purpose of the event was to join efforts to advance legal science and practice for the benefit of the organization. To this end, at the initiative of the Dean of the Faculty of Law Vadim Vinogradov, a Consortium of BRICS Law Schools was established, comprising representatives of leading higher education institutions from a number of countries.

‘At HSE University I Had the Opportunity to Meet the Best Academics’

In April 2024, HSE School of International Regional Studies of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs organised a round table ‘Russia and the Most Influential Countries of the Global South: Comparing Approaches to the New International Political and Economic-Financial Order’. Seyedmohammad Seyedi Asl, Research Fellow at the School of International Regional Studies, spoke to HSE News Service on his report ‘Global South, BRICS, and Iran's Foreign Policy’ presented at the round table, his research interests and impressions of working at HSE University, and living in Moscow.

‘We Work to Create a More Prosperous, Fair, and Safe World’

On July 3–4, 2024, the IX BRICS Civil Forum was held in Moscow for the first time since the association was expanded by five new countries in January 2024. Participants emphasised the importance of personal interaction between public figures, civil activists, as well as the work they do to strengthen and enrich friendly relations between BRICS countries, based on mutual respect. The forum was organised by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia, which is established at the HSE University.

BRICS Countries Support HSE University’s Project to Launch Fair Competition Platform

A meeting of the BRICS Coordination Committee on Antimonopoly Policy was held in Geneva as part of Russia's BRICS Chairship in 2024. The meeting participants supported a project to launch a BRICS Interstate Platform on Fair Competition, developed by the International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre of HSE University and presented by the FAS of Russia as an initiative of the Russian Chairship.