HSE Student at IBM Best Student Recognition Event
In July, IBM brought 70 of the best students from across Europe to Prague for the annual IBM Best Student Recognition Event. Representing the Higher School of Economics at the forum was Alexei Khokhlov, a graduate of the Faculty of Business Informatics and a Master’s student in the E-business programme.
Cultural Events in Economic Reflection
From July 7 – 13, 2014, the Laboratory of Economics of Culture at the HSE in St. Petersburg held an International Summer School ‘Impacts of Cultural Events on Small and Medium-size Art-oriented Towns’ (ICE – SMART). This was the first summer school organized as part of the master’s programme ‘Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management’.
was Russia’s ranking in the The Global Innovation Index 2014, a 13-point improvement over 2013.
HSE in the 'BMC Public Health' Journal
A new paper by Eduard Ponarin (co-authored with Vasiliy Usenko, Sergey Svirin, and Yan Shchekaturov), 'Impact of Some Types of Mass Gatherings on Current Suicide Risk in an Urban Population: Statistical and Negative Binominal Regression Analysis of Time Series' has been published in an open access, peer-reviewed international journal, BMC Public Health.
After the Summer School, no More Questions about Why Learn Mathematical Finance
The HSE International Laboratory of Quantitative Finance (ILQF) ran a summer school on mathematical finance near St. Petersburg. The lecturers were leading international academics and representatives of major investment funds, one of which opened its own representation in the laboratory.
Children Help Adults to Learn about Innovation
On July 18, the Global Innovation Index 2014 was presented in Sidney. HSE’s First Vice Rector Leonid Gokhberg and Research Fellow Valentina Polyakova at the Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) co-authored the research into levels of innovation development in different countries.
was the level that the rate of inflation dropped to in June, according to the HSE Centre of Development Institute. In May, inflation was 0.9%.
Young Political Scientists from the HSE Take Part in Organizing Conference in Austria
A young scientists’ conference organized by the European Consortium for Political Research recently took place at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). Students of the HSE Institute of Education’s Master’s programme on Contemporary Political Conflicts organized a session called ‘Political Power & Foreign Policy Analysis’.