Ability to Manage Technology and Innovation Is in High Demand
Science, technology and innovation policy is a field that requires special skills and knowledge. The MA programme in Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation trains professionals for management and policy making in this area of work. On June 28, the first cohort graduated from the programme. Before the ceremony, Rae Kwon Chung, Principal Advisor on Climate Change at the Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and a member of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which was awarded Nobel peace prize in 2007, delivered a lecture on Reformulating Economics to Serve Sustainable Development.
International Students Ready to Study in Russian
On June 27, the first cohort of HSE Preparatory Year graduates received their diplomas after passing the exams. Launched in 2015, the programme offers international students an excellent opportunity to develop their Russian language skills and prepare for Russian-taught programmes at HSE and other Russian universities. This year, approximately 90 people from over 30 countries studied in the programme, which included several tracks – economics, humanities and science.
Stanford Russian-American Forum: From Idea to Project
Every year, 20 American and 20 Russian students come together to participate in the Stanford Russian-American Forum, which begins with an autumn conference in Moscow, continues with six months of joint work on research projects, and finishes with a spring conference at Stanford University. Kirill Kopytov, a first-year Master’s student at the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF), spoke with us about his participation in the forum.
Igor Agamirzyan to Become Vice President of HSE
The Vice President's responsibilities include working on the development strategy for the HSE's innovative ecosystem, building relationships with the technology industry, and creating mechanisms of feedback from employers which will be used in adjusting the competency requirements for university graduates.

‘Dream and Move ahead in Your Field – HSE Will Always Be by Your Side’
On June 28, another university-wide graduation ceremony was held at the Higher School of Economics. This year, the celebration’s theme was the future and continuous progress. And the university’s graduates are the engines of this progress.

Performance Motivating Factors Reported by Russian Doctors
Interesting work, the desire to help patients, and money – these are the three key factors which motivate Russian doctors to perform, while career ambitions remain a secondary consideration, according to HSE research. Alexander Temnitsky, Leading Research Fellow of the HSE Centre for Health Policy, studied Russian doctors’ personal motives driving their performance between 2007 and 2014.
Taking Education from the 19th Century to the 21st
For the first time ever, the leaders of education studies centres from some of the world’s leading research universities met at the HSE Academic Centre in Pushkin, Russia. At the meeting, the researchers, along with a representative from OECD, discussed how education studies departments should change to meet the global challenges that face the sphere of education.
International Summer School on Higher Education Research
The IV International Summer School on Higher Education Research, which was devoted to ‘Higher Education, Society and State’, was held June 4-10 in St. Petersburg. Organized jointly with the China Institute for Educational Finance Research at Peking University, the Summer School brings together senior and junior scholars in the field of higher education research; it aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas, enhance research quality, and foster the integration of early-career researchers into the international academic community.
Russian and Italian Intellectuals Speak a Common Language
In late May Moscow hosted a Russian-Italian research conference marking the anniversary of the birth of Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce. The conference entitled 'The Legacy of Benedetto Croce in the 21st Century' was organized by and held at the HSE's Humanities Faculty in conjunction with the Italian Cultural Institute in Moscow.

'Building Satellites Is Truly a Dream Come True'
The Russian engineer is no longer someone in an oversized sweater who likes the mountains and spends all their time in a garage tinkering with engines. Today’s engineers create developmental constructions for elementary school children. They study the economics of the space market and put the satellites they design into orbit. In the latest edition of Success Builder, MIEM graduate Anton Sivkov discusses how satellites are different from Legos, what Star Trek can add to a good education, and why there is no need to wear tin foil hats, even at a time when space is teeming with satellites.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025