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Social Science Helps Solve Problems

Regional Conference on World Association of Public Opinion Research dedicated to Survey Research and the Study of Social and Cultural Change is taking place at HSE Moscow September 15-17, 2016 in partnership with World Values Survey. Ronald Inglehart, Academic Supervisor of HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research and the Founding President of the World Values Survey (WVS) has talked to HSE News Service about the role of sociology in the modern world and the changes in values and beliefs around the world.

Illustration for news: HSE Team Conquers Mount Elbrus for Fourth Time

HSE Team Conquers Mount Elbrus for Fourth Time

Members of HSE’s Extreme Sports Club again reached the top of Russia and Europe’s highest peak on Mount Elbrus in August of this year. All participants in this ascent received the title of ‘Alpinist of Russia’. Below we present a diary of their trip, covering such topics as a thunderous snowstorm during their ascent, eating lunch at Yury Vizbor’s favorite café and much more. 


graduates of the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF HSE) will be awarded diplomas with first class honours for 2016 from the University of London. This is the largest number of ICEF graduates to receive degrees at this level. The previous record was 29 graduates with first class honours. 

Illustration for news: Where Journalism, PR, and Advertising Experts Are Made

Where Journalism, PR, and Advertising Experts Are Made

Student-run television studios, artwork, effective advertising examples, and walls with headlines from Kommersant – these are just a few of the things discussed during an Open House excursion around the buildings where students specialising in media and communications study.

Language of Generations Project Wins 2016 KIvO Award

On September 12, the winner of the 2016 Innovation in Education (KIvO) award was announced at the EdCrunch International Conference on New Educational Technologies. Taking home the prize this year was The Language of Generations, a social project that pairs up senior citizens from Russia with foreign students who are learning Russian.

Illustration for news: Seven WAPOR Papers that will Amaze You

Seven WAPOR Papers that will Amaze You

The World Association for Public Opinion Research’s (WAPOR) annual regional conference ‘Survey Research and the Study of Social and Cultural Change’ kicks off at HSE on September 15, 2016.

Monument to Anonymous Peer Reviewer to Be Erected at HSE

A group of HSE staff has launched a Kickstarter account to raise funds for an unusual project – a monument to an anonymous peer reviewer. If enough money is raised, the monument will be erected near the HSE Institute of Education.

Dutch Linguistics Expert to Offer Lecture on Language and Cognition

What causes variation between languages, and what do they have in common? How is language embedded in our general cognitive system? These are some of the questions that Eric Reuland, Faculty Professor of Language and Cognition at the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics (OTS) (Utrecht University), will address in a lecture course entitled ‘Syntactic approaches to anaphora’ that will be held at HSE Moscow from September 12 till 22, 2016. Professor Reuland recently spoke with the HSE news service about his research interests, his upcoming visit to Moscow, and some books he recommends for those interested in gaining exposure to the field of linguistics.

Illustration for news: School Climate Can Affect Academic Performance

School Climate Can Affect Academic Performance

Children tend to perform better at schools with a positive psychological climate, where they feel safe and comfortable, according to Tatiana Chirkina and Tatiana Khavenson's study 'Correlation between School Climate and Student Academic Achievement.' According to social scientist Renato Tagiuri, the school climate is understood as comprising several dimensions, such as student-teacher communication, student attitudes towards school, and teacher work satisfaction and expectations in terms of student academic achievement.

'The Type of Inequality in a Country Is Unimportant; What's Important Is How People See it'

At the beginning of September, the American Political Science Associate (APSA) awards ceremony took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At the ceremony, two awards were given to the work Misperceiving Inequality* by Vladimir Gimpelson and Daniel Treisman for the best research project presented at the 2015 APSA congress. The comparative public policy section gave one award, while the comparative political research section gave out the other.