HSE and Unilever Continue to Educate Business Leaders of the Future
On a visit to HSE University on October 18, Unilever CEO Alan Jope met with university leadership and spoke to students in an open lecture about the social mission of business.

‘Artistic Style Is a Mirror of the Soul’
A personal exhibition of Alexander Dzhikia, Professor the HSE School of Art and Design and Supervisor of the School’s track in Environmental Design, is now open at HSE ART GALLERY. HSE News Service spoke with the artist about how to search for one’s own style and why our environment needs to be designed by professionals.

HSE Students Create Bot for Tired Muscovites
First-year students of the Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design developed a bot that recommends quiet spots in the city for Muscovites searching for a place to sit and relax. In order to find a peaceful, secluded place within the Garden Ring, all you have to do is add Tired Muscovite in your Telegram app and activate it with a special command.

HSE Maintains Its Position in Two THE Subject Rankings
HSE University has once again placed in two subject rankings of the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings: Computer Science (in the top 400) and Engineering and Technology (in the 601-800 range).

HSE Researchers and Students Discover Burials on Archaeological Expedition
History students and colleagues from the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences travelled to an excavation site in the North Caucasus region of southern Russia. HSE News Service spoke with Professor Andrey Vinogradov of the Faculty of Humanities about the burials they discovered, field work, and the joys of archaeology.

HSE Enters Top 20 Best Universities in QS EECA Ranking
This year HSE University rose six positions to take 17th place in the QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Ranking (QS EECA).

'I’ve Lost Count How Many Times I’ve Flown around the Globe. Economics Is an Adventure!'
How a university makes a complete person out of you, how a CFA changes your life, and why an economist should never stop developing professionally — SIBUR Chief Expert for Investment Activity and Project Management Nikolai Tlekhgulov explains this and more.

HSE Tops Ranking of Business Universities in Business Education
HSE University has taken the first place in the ranking of entrepreneurial universities and business schools by Expert Analysis Centre. The ranking’s evaluation criteria include startups that were launched by alumni of economics or business programmes.

Furry Therapists, Yoga and Self-care: HSE Joins in Celebrating World Mental Health Day
On October 10, HSE University celebrated World Mental Health Day. The HSE News Service learned about how dogs treat people, how to avoid stress and where to get psychological counselling at HSE University.

‘My Time at HSE Was a Turning Point’
HSE master’s programme alumni and an HSE doctoral student received an international Catalyst Grant from Digital Science in support of the development of their startup, MLprior, a service for researchers and scientists. HSE News Service spoke with Vladislav Ishimtsev, one of the startup creators, about the biggest ‘thorns’ in researchers’ sides, artificial intelligence, and the possibility of a machine uprising.