'In a Changing World, Strategic Logistics Management is Gaining Momentum'
The Master's in Strategic Management in Logistics offered by HSE University in St Petersburg trains students in logistics and supply chain management. In this interview, Vladislav Lukinsky, Academic Supervisor of the Master's, talks about the programme's main features, what makes it relevant in today’s changing world, and why students from all educational backgrounds are welcome to apply.
Russian Scientists Create Biomimetic Algorithm to Find Epileptogenic Areas of the Brain
Researchers from the HSE University Centre for Bioelectric Interfaces have designed a new method for detecting diagnostic markers of epilepsy, called interictal spikes, using EEG and MEG. Capable of accounting for various errors and artefacts, this method constitutes a valuable addition to the arsenal of means for automatic analysis of electrophysiological recordings in epilepsy patients, especially when the data are noisy. Precise localisation of epileptogenic cortical structures can enhance the effectiveness of neurosurgical interventions. The study was published in the Journal of Neural Engineering.

‘The Ability to Think Both Outside the Box and Globally Is Typical of the People from HSE University’
This new instalment of Age-Mates visits Sofia Litvinova, HSE graduate and Deputy Director of the Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development. She explained how she decided to enrol at HSE Universtiy, why university graduates need global thinking, and what the Japanese and Russians have in common.

HSE ICEF Students Are among the Winners of Econometrics Universiade
The results of the final round of the 2022 Econometrics Universiade have been announced. As always, ICEF undergraduate students are among the leaders – Vladimir Averin won the overall competition, while Gleb Kudryashov was also among the prize-winners.

‘I Like to Think that the Solutions We Find Can Help People in the Future’
Innopolis University has announced the results of Global Al Challenge, an international AI industry online hackathon in which teams of developers compete to create new materials using artificial intelligence. The DrugANNs team, which included students from the HSE University Faculty of Computer Science, took third place.

Scholars from Moscow and Vladivostok Join Efforts to Study Institutes and Preferences in Economic Behaviour
Applications from HSE departments for the ‘Mirror Laboratories’ open project competition are open until May 20. One of the ‘mirror laboratories’ successfully operating today was created as a result of a similar competition in 2020 by economists from HSE University and Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) to study institutes and preferences in economic behaviour. Alexis Belianin, Head of the HSE International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics, talked about how peers from Moscow and Vladivostok collaborate.

NTO Superfinals: First International Technology Games to Be Held in 2022
The results of the National Technology Olympiad (NTO) of the 2021/22 academic year were recently announced. The Olympiad project office operates through HSE University.

Submarine and French Confectioner's Shop—Winners of the Top Class Research Competition Announced
This year’s final stage of Top Class, the All-Russian Competition of Schoolchildren’s Research and Projects, held by HSE University, has come to a close. About a thousand 8th—11th graders from 7 countries and 69 regions of Russia participated in the contest. The winners and runners-up were announced at the closing ceremony in the HSE Cultural Centre. They received special prizes from partner companies.

HSE Experts Discuss the Situation in the Country with Presidential Aide Maxim Oreshkin
HSE University academics held a discussion with Maxim Oreshkin, presidential aide and graduate of the HSE University, as part of theXXIII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference. They talked about the current socioeconomic situation and the future of Russia's development. The discussion was moderated by HSE Academic SupervisorYaroslav Kuzminov.

‘Graduates of Finance and Economics Programmes Can Work in Any Field’
ICEF graduate Nare Meloyan is now a researcher at the Sberbank Laboratory of Neurosciences and Human Behaviour. After ICEF, she enrolled in a master’s programme at the HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience and successfully used her education in finance to work in cognition studies. In this interview with Success Builder, Ms Meloyan explained how programming skills help in research, how she used an original approach to get a job and the way Sber tries to understand how the human brain works.