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'HSE Is the Best Place for Work on Issues in International Relations'

HSE has held the 5th International Relations Russia-China Summer School 'Eurasia 2020: Prospects for cooperation.' The school has been held since 2011 by the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs jointly with the East China Normal University (Shanghai, China). This year it was held with support from the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund. This is the only summer school of this kind held in Russia.

Twenty-nine students from Russia and China passed a competitive selection procedure involving motivational letters, a portfolio and their English-language ability. HSE Professor and Director of the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies Timofey Bordachev founded and heads the summer school.

HSE tutors including Sergey Karaganov, Yuval Weber, Andrej Krickovic, Mikhail Karpov, Igor Makarov and Anastasia Likhacheva gave lectures on various different aspects of international relations. Feng ShaoleiPan Xingming, and Liu Jun took part on behalf of East China Normal University. The range of lecturers was not limited to those from partner universities. A round table discussion involved Dmitry Ontoev, from The Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund. On Sunday, July 5, participants had the opportunity to meet Fedor Lukyanov, editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs, and Chairman of Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. Participants also had the opportunity to understand the business perspective on events and processes in Eurasia – thanks to the talk by Andrey Pisarev, Director of the Strategy and Development Department at FESCO. In addition to lectures, participants had the opportunity to discuss current problems with Russian and Chinese experts in open discussions, to work on joint projects in the field of international relations, and to take part in the Organizing Eurasian Integration business game. The non-academic part of the programme included a sightseeing tour around Moscow and cultural evenings – one held by Chinese students, the second by Russian participants in the summer school and volunteers.

Professor Sergey Karaganov, Dean of the Faculty of World Economy and Global Politics, Timofey Bordachev, Director of the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies, and Academic Supervisor on the International Relations: European and Asian Studies programme, Feng Shaolei, Dean of the School of Advanced International and Area Studies at East China Normal University, Bei Wenli, Deputy Dean of the School of Advanced International and Area Studies at East China Normal University, Liu Jun, Deputy Dean of the School of Advanced International and Area Studies at East China Normal University, Pan Xingming, Director of the Center for European Studies at East China Normal University, Sergei Erofeev, Vice Rector at HSE, Aleksey Maslov, Head of the School of Asian Studies at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, HSE, Alexander Lukin, Head of the School of International Affairs at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, HSE, as well as teachers from the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs Yuval Weber, Alina Savelieva and Anastasia Likhacheva.

Vice Rector Sergey Erofeev noted that partnerships with Chinese universities, such as East China Normal University, were crucial to HSE, as the university's strategic goals include strengthening its reputation on the global education market. The first Chinese students enrolled in the HSE MA programme (Comparative Studies: Russian Literature in Cross-cultural Perspective), and the University is actively seeking to increase the number of Chinese students enrolled. Sergey Erofeev stressed that of the summer school's key aims is new knowledge. 'It is very important to continue to discuss key questions for Eurasia and the world, that allows us to move forward with economic, political, cultural relations, and build a peaceful and prosperous future.'

'The school's goal is to create a forum for discussion between the two countries' young elites, so that they can jointly develop new paradigms for the analysis of the ever-changing world,' said Feng Shaolei, Dean of the School of Advanced International and Area Studies at East China Normal University. 'Young people have an unbiased, fresh, approach to problems and they are in a position to put forward new views on many issues. For the Chinese students, the school helped them develop their dissertations, which they will continue to work on once they return home. Taking part in a summer school at this level is an excellent line in a student's CV, whether they plan to stay on in academia or build a career in business.' Feng Shaolei added that he hopes to see cooperation between HSE expand, and winter schools be introduced to complement these summer schools.


Alla Shlykova, HSE, 2nd year BA student, International Relations

I decided to take part in this school as the theme, Eurasia 2020, was interesting. What role will this region play in the future world of international relations that we are currently creating? What role will Russia and China play? It is most important that we view this issue from different perspecitves – energy, education, developing international cooperation. I worked on a project about energy cooperation with China as an example of futre cooperation in Eurasia. Our main conclusions were that energy cooperation will continue to develop, as it is in both parties' interests and helps boost energy security and stimulate economic growth across the region. Longer term, I plan to continue my studies in this area (energy cooperation in Eurasia) so I found this summer school really useful.


Elena Sidorova, HSE Nizhny Novgorod, 3rd year, BA, Global Economics

I heard about the school from an announcement on the website and immediately decided to apply, as I wanted to take part in an HSE joint event with China as I specialise in China. I found it really interesting to work in a mixed Russian-Chinese group on this project, as it made it possible to examine any one problem from both sides. The lectures were engaging and informative, touching on current issues in politics and economics, and therefore sparked heated discussion, which was very helpful in our own development and that of Russia-China relations. I would be happy to take part in the school next year.


Tamara Zlatova, MSU, Faculty of Geography. World Economy Department. Asian studies. Graduate

I wanted to gain new knowledge at the summer schoo, I have spent all these years studying social geography and now I am interested in political and economic aspects of Russia's eastern pivot. I was impressed by the summer school's programme, a lot of lectures touched not only on political and economic issues, but also on geographic aspects, the role of water in Eurasian cooperation, the development of Siberia and the Far East, construction of the Economic Silk Route. I found all this particularly interesting as I am myself from Siberia. Our project group considered issues of migration in Russia and China, the main trends, state policy in this area. We learned that in the last couple of years the flow of Russian and Chinese migrants in each direction is increasing, due to increasing volumes of joint projects between the two countries and intensified cooperation.  


Chen Xi, East China Normal University, Master's student in International Relations

This is my first time in Moscow. Previously I participated in joint forums organized by Shanghai and Saint Petersburg, but this school is quite different. I was able not only to participate in lectures but also to make friends here in Moscow. The lectures during the school were of very high quality – informative and the academic level is very high. Everything was perfectly organized – from the lectures to accommodation and other aspects. Finally, I’d like to say that Russia students were angels to us – always prepared to help us whatever the problem was. Our team worked on cultural aspects of Russian and Chinese relations and about misunderstanding and misperceptions that people have about each other. It was interesting.


Sergey Pak, University of Kassel (Germany), Master’s Student in Social Sciences

I’ve got a very good impression about this summer school. Everything was well-organized and the organizers had a personal approach to all the issues. The planning and structure of all the lectures was quite well-thought out. I particularly enjoyed lectures by Professor Sergey Karaganov on the place of Eurasia in 21 century and Professor Mikhail Karpov on Chinese economic reform. I can see several benefits of the school – first of all it’s a chance to build a strong academic network because here we got to meet brilliant scholars – specialists in their field and in the field of international relations, Chinese studies.  And secondly, of course the knowledge that we acquired  – it’s all very useful.


Hua Dun, East China Normal University, Master’s student in International Relations

This is not my first time in Moscow – I lived here for 3 years some time ago. This time I got new experience with our Russian colleagues, with the professors of HSE – I learned a lot about academic issues. I specialize in Russian Studies and I think HSE is the perfect institution to research international relationships and Russia, so I decided to come here and to attend the school. After I receive my Master’s degree, I’d like to study further for a PhD. At the summer school I talked a lot with professors Karaganov and Bordachev – they’ve taught me a lot and gave me some useful advice. It is very useful for my professional career.


Zhao Shuting, East China Normal University, MA student in International Relations

It’s my first time in Moscow. I major in Russian and Central Asian Studies. Before coming to Russia I  some preconceptions that Russian people are very cold to strangers but after I came here I found everything wonderful – people are very kind. Moscow is a very beautiful city. In China I heard a lot of discussions about the economic situation in Russia and its challenges but here I see that there are so many bright students that I am sure that Russia can overcome all obstacles and they can still be a great nation. 


Li Zhe, China Normal University, MA student in International Relations

I feel that I've benefited a lot from the lectures – I learnt a lot international relations and also about other fields – such as Silk Road, the waters in Eurasia, different aspects of world economy. I greatly appreciate the work of organizers and volunteers – they did a great job. We had excellent cultural evenings – done by our Russian counterparts and by Chinese students. I made good friends with the Russian members of my project team – we analyzed energy cooperation between the two countries.

See also:

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