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Lali Nebieridze

  • Assistant:Academic Supervisor’s Support Office
  • Lali Nebieridze has been at HSE University since 2023.


Supporting the Academic Supervisor’s activities in relation to work with faculties, departments, institutes and other research units of HSE University, as well as on issues of monitoring the quality of admission; providing support for the Academic Supervisor’s participation in the activities of the following departments and institutions:

  • Managing board of the HSE AI Centre
  • Managing board of academic research at HSE University
  • Expert Council Bureau at the Agency for Strategic Initiatives
  • Ranking Committee of the National Investment Climate Ranking, Agency for Strategic Initiatives
  • Working group on the improvement and optimisation of the List of Peer-Reviewed Academic Periodicals
  • Expert Council of the Government of the Russian Federation


  • 2023

    HSE University

  • 2021

    HSE University


Chapter Небиеридзе Л. Д. Реализация права и исполнение обязанности как обстоятельства, исключающие преступность деяния, в контексте опыта зарубежных стран // В кн.: Cборник статей XVI Международной научно-практической конференции "Юриспруденция, государство и право: актуальные вопросы и современные аспекты". МЦНС "Наука и просвещение", 2024. С. 57-61.