Prepare for the INTO HSE Olympiad with HSE Students
Winners of the INTO HSE International Maths Olympiad receive scholarships and admission offers to 37 different programmes at HSE University. Angelina Yudina, a master's student and invited instructor of maths at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, offers a video lesson where she analyses the demo version of the maths problems from the Olympiad.

HSE Art and Design School’s End-of-Year Exhibition Takes Place at Winzavod and MMOMA
In mid-July 2024, the HSE Art and Design School celebrated the results of the 2023/24 academic year at two venues in Moscow. The exhibition entitled ‘Collection: The Order of Things’ opened at HSE ART GALLERY at Winzavod and the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA) on Gogolevsky Boulevard. Over 150 artists whose projects were selected through an internal competition participated in this year's event.

‘Making Useful Acquaintances Quickly and Easily’
From the very beginning of their university years, HSE students start to develop their own start-up ideas. As a result, three graduates of the bachelor’s programme in Software Engineering of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science—Andrey Losyukov, Timofey Valov, and Alexander Kulakov—created the HiBye platform for networking at events. The students presented their project and discussed their start-up with the HSE News Service.

'Potsherds and Spindles. Joy and Burden': New Exhibition at HSE ART GALLERY
A series of paired solo exhibitions has been launched at the HSE ART GALLERY on Pionerskaya: projects by teachers and students of the HSE Art and Design School are now exhibited at one venue. The first project in this series is by Vladislav Efimov, a teacher, and Alexandra Zamuruyeva, a student of the ‘Design and Contemporary Art’ programme.

HSE Students Represent Russia at BRICS+ Youth Innovation Summit in Pretoria
In May 2024, Pretoria, the capital of South Africa, hosted the BRICS+ Youth Innovation Summit, where students from HSE University represented Russia. They successfully defended their business projects and were among the top 15 speakers, winning the event. The summit was organised by the South African BRICS Youth Association (SABYA).

Season Eight of HSE CREATIVE OPEN Competition Begins
HSE CREATIVE OPEN international online competition of the HSE Art and Design School opens the summer season featuring new categories: ‘Visual Research,’ ‘Game Design,’ ‘Motion Design,’ ‘Poster,’ and ‘Digital Product.’

‘Everything Evermore All at Once’: New Exhibition at HSE ART GALLERY
HSE ART GALLERY, which was established in 2018, has launched a new exhibition area. The first project in the new space opened on May 28, 2024. The exhibition represents works by more than 50 HSE Art and Design School students and graduates in Contemporary Art, Fashion, and Subject Design.

The Witcher Cookbook and Human Jaws: Game Future Fest 2024 Held at HSE University
On May 25, HSE Art and Design School held an annual festival dedicated to video games and geek culture—Game Future Fest 2024. Gamers, developers, designers, potential investors and employers, as well as those interested in game dev, gathered to play, support student projects, attend workshops, and chat with teammates. The event was held at HSE University on Staraya Basmannaya Ulitsa.
HSE University-St Petersburg Team Takes Third Place at International Competition on Investment Analysis
Students of the School of Economics and Management took part in the CFA Regional Societies Research Challenge, which was held in Abu Dhabi (UAE). The team from HSE University-St Petersburg represented Russia and took third place.

HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science Teams Win ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest
On April 14–19, 2024, two finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) took place in Luxor (Egypt). The teams from HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science became world champions in the 47th ICPC final and received gold medals in the 46th final.