applications were submitted for the Sixth Competition by the Foundation for Support to Innovative Entrepreneurship.
people have already registered to take part in the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at HSE.
people attended the lecture marathon ‘Ideas 2020: Journey into the World of the Future’.
of Russian doctors note that a number of positions in health care continue to be supported at a high level due to Soviet experience, i.e., strong scientific schools and highly skilled professionals.
500,000 roubles
is the maximum grant amount that winners are able to receive in a competition sponsored by the Fund for Innovative Enterprise Support.
2.5 years
is the average difference in age between men and women marrying for the first time in Russia.
presentations have been included in the programme of the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at HSE following an expert review of the applications that have been submitted.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025