HSE University and Federal University of Minas Gerais Sign Exchange Agreement
The signing of an academic exchange agreement between HSE University and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) is another important step in the development of international partnerships and strengthening academic ties between Russia and Brazil. The agreement opens up new possibilities for students and researchers and lays a foundation for future cooperation and innovation in various scientific fields.

‘Cultural Exchange is an Important Element of Education’
On October 9, the TAULU&ADIGI UNITY DAY festival was held at HSE University’s Cultural Centre. It brought together students from different universities interested in the life of Caucasian peoples. Guests immersed themselves in the history and culture of different ethnic groups and tried national delicacies. The festival was organised by the university’s TAULU&ADIGI student community, which represents Karachai, Adyghe, and Balkar students at HSE University.

‘People and Society’: HSE University Hosts NAUKA 0+ All-Russian Festival
On October 7, a ‘People and Society’ thematic platform opened at HSE University’s Cultural Centre as part of the NAUKA 0+ science festival. Guests were able to explore the world of scientific discoveries and interesting experiments, as well as listen to a series of lectures from leading HSE experts.

Gold and Silver: Students of HSE Faculty of Computer Science Win Codemasters Code Cup
Students of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science Fedor Romanov and Bogdan Yandulov took first and second places in the finals of the all-Russian programming tournament for students ‘Codemasters Code Cup 2023’. The two were named the best among the 16 finalists who made it through the tournament’s online round.

How Universities Create an International Environment to Cultivate Talent and Support Foreign Students
Studying at a foreign university has distinct advantages for one's career trajectory, alongside invaluable experience and an expanded array of opportunities. However, students may face considerable stress due to immersion in a different cultural setting and encounter new, sometimes unforeseen, challenges. The session 'Creating an International Environment as a Keystone to Cultivate Talent', hosted by HSE University as part of International Partners' Week, featured discussions by experts and representatives from top universities on how universities assist foreign students in adapting and discovering opportunities for self-actualisation.

HSE University Holds Exchange Fair as Part of International Partners’ Week
On September 27, the 2023 Exchange Fair took place in the atrium of the HSE University building on Pokrovsky Bulvar as part of the annual International Partners’ Week. Representatives of the world’s leading universities told students about the opportunities available under academic mobility programmes.

HSE University Students Research Dangerous Natural Processes in Mountains
The Third Caucasus Summer School was recently held in the city of Ozurgeti (Georgia). It brought together two dozen students from different countries: the United Kingdom, Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Russia. Their main task was to analyse dangerous natural processes in the mountains and determine their impact on the development of local tourism.

HSE University Hosts Educational Forum of the Greater Eurasian Partnership
The forum was held as part of HSE University’s International Partners' Week, which coincides with Russia’s chairship of the EAEU and is aimed at connecting the strategies and initiatives of its participants in the fields of education, science, and technology. The forum was attended by representatives from 23 countries and more than 40 scientific and educational organisations. Read on to learn more about the opening ceremony and the first two plenary sessions.

Moving in Circles or Breaking Out: New Exhibition at HSE ART GALLERY
From September 18 to November 19, the HSE ART GALLERY is hosting a new exhibition from the HSE Art and Design School: ‘Going Over Old Ground?’ Its curator is Alexandra Mitlyanskaya, artist and head of the Screen Arts and Video Art tracks at the HSE Art and Design School. Guests will see experimental cinema, video art, and animation created by students and graduates of the school.

HSE University Holds 10th Summer School ‘Eye-tracking in the Lab and Beyond’
This year, more than 100 students from Russia and abroad took part in the 10th summer neurolinguistic school, ‘Eye-tracking in the Lab and Beyond’. The school is held annually by the HSE Center for Language and Brain. Leading experts spoke about advanced developments and research in the field of video-oculography.