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Illustration for news: HSE Alumni Awards 2020: 10 Categories, 104 Nominees, and 12000 Votes

HSE Alumni Awards 2020: 10 Categories, 104 Nominees, and 12000 Votes

HSE Alumni Awards ceremony was held online this year. In 2020, 104 alumni were nominated for the award and 12 000 people submitted their votes.

Illustration for news: Third International Economics Olympiad Kicks Off Online

Third International Economics Olympiad Kicks Off Online

This year’s International Economics Olympiad for high school students started on September 7 with an opening ceremony that celebrated the biggest and most diverse group of students yet to compete in the Olympiad, now in its third year. 29 teams from 29 countries will compete this time. The event, which is being held online due to the pandemic, will last until September 13.

Illustration for news: Russian Postdoc Programme Brings Emerging Scholars from all over Russia to HSE Research Teams

Russian Postdoc Programme Brings Emerging Scholars from all over Russia to HSE Research Teams

The Russian Postdoc Programme has once again attracted talented researchers from all over Russia to work on research projects at HSE University. The programme aims to provide emerging Russian scholars and scientists with the opportunity to conduct research at HSE. In the new academic year, 54 Russian postdoctoral fellows will join the University.

Illustration for news: Financial Front: The USSR State Budget during World War II

Financial Front: The USSR State Budget during World War II

After June 1941, the Soviet budget was no longer the same. Marking the end of peaceful life, budget revenues dwindled, and the Treasury was drained of billions of rubles. But because the war required money, the government had to find it from somewhere. Oleg Khlevnyuk, Professor at the HSE University’s School of History, examines the Soviet Union’s wartime and post-war financial policies in his paper.

Illustration for news: Moscow Ranks among World’s Top Three Major Cities Implementing Effective Economic Policy During the Coronavirus Crisis

Moscow Ranks among World’s Top Three Major Cities Implementing Effective Economic Policy During the Coronavirus Crisis

Researchers from HSE University conducted a study of 15 of the world’s largest cities in Europe, Asia, and North America that assessed the cities’ labour market activity, post-quarantine economic recoveries, and the extent to which their digital infrastructures were prepared for the crisis. The study showed that Seoul and Shanghai, followed by Moscow, dealt with the crisis most effectively. Singapore and Stockholm ranked 4th and 5th, respectively.

Illustration for news: When the Borders Are Closed, Study ‘Abroad’ in a Double Degree Programme

When the Borders Are Closed, Study ‘Abroad’ in a Double Degree Programme

This year, alternatives to studying abroad are as relevant as never before. HSE University annually launches new joint programmes with world’s biggest universities. One of HSE’s oldest and most recognized double degree programmes is the ICEF bachelor’s programme, in which students can earn a degree not only from HSE University, but from the University of London as well. Below, we talk about the advantages of such a degree, career opportunities after graduation, and the programme prerequisites.

Illustration for news: HSE Now Among World’s Top 200 Universities for Research in THE University Rankings

HSE Now Among World’s Top 200 Universities for Research in THE University Rankings

This year, HSE University has maintained its position in the 251-300 range in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. The University ranks among the top 3 Russian universities along with Moscow State University (which ranks 174th) and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (which ranks in the 201-250 range). In the THE’s global ranking of the best universities for research, HSE ranks 199th.

Illustration for news: Russian Men Left Without ‘Fatherhood Wage Premium’

Russian Men Left Without ‘Fatherhood Wage Premium’

Not much is known about fathers on the Russian labour market. It has often been claimed that they earn more than their childless peers. However, new research states that there is no such ‘premium’ for being a father in Russia. Nevertheless, men with kids still have higher salaries. 

Illustration for news: RAS Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology and Three Universities to Open Top-Notch Centre for Interdisciplinary Human Development Research

RAS Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology and Three Universities to Open Top-Notch Centre for Interdisciplinary Human Development Research

HSE University, together with the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, MGIMO, and the RAS Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, received a grant for their proposed world-class research centre as part of Russia’s National Project for Science. It is the first time the national project has awarded a research centre proposal in the humanities and social sciences.

Illustration for news: 'We Want to Become a Research and Project University for Each of You'

'We Want to Become a Research and Project University for Each of You'

HSE University Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov has welcomed first year students to HSE University. He told the newly enrolled students about the importance of wearing masks on campus, the autumn flu vaccination, as well as important changes in the educational process. The rector also congratulated them on starting their student life at HSE University.