Adidas Bomber Jacket Patch Design Competition Now Open at HSE
HSE students are invited to participate in a design competition in which a series of three illustrations will be selected. Submissions will be accepted until May 22. The winning patch projects will be set in the form of stripes on adidas bomber jackets. The author of the best work will travel to the head office of adidas in Germany.
Second Joint Olympiad in Statistical Learning Theory
Faculty of Computer Science of HSE and Skoltech are pleased to announce the launch of the second joint Olympiad in Statistical Learning Theory (SLT). The competition will be open to students specializing in the fields related to Applied Mathematics and Informatics. Following a pre-selection phase (application details below), the Olympiad final will be held at Skoltech on April 6-7, 2019.

HSE Faculty of Physics Looking for Young Laboratory Heads in Breakthrough Fields
HSE University is pleased to announce an international competition for experimental research laboratories in such breakthrough fields of contemporary physics as Quantum Technologies and Novel Functional Materials. The winners will have a chance to head and develop new research laboratories based out of the HSE Faculty of Physics.

Golden HSE 2018 Winners Announced
The winners are 16 staff members in seven ‘golden’ categories and 21 students in the ‘Silver Nestling’ category. The winners of the ‘Golden Citation’, which is awarded to the most cited HSE scholar, have also been announced. The awards ceremony was held on November 27, on the HSE's birthday.
Nanolab VR Application Wins Education Innovation Competition
This is the first project in the five-year history of the competition that is not directly related to social issues. The project’s authors will receive a travel grant and the opportunity to present their start-up anywhere in the world.
Winners of the First International Competition ‘Cities for a Flying World’ Announced
HSE Graduate School of Urbanism has announced the results of the first international contest for students and young professionals ‘Cities For a Flying World’. The contest took place from May 29 to November 7, 2017 and was a part of the admission campaign for the new Master’s programme of the HSE Graduate School of Urbanism ‘Prototyping Future Cities’.
‘Stolen Wheels’ to Serve the Good Turn for HSE
The results of the 'Steal the Wheel’ Competition have been decided. Entrants suggested implementing some useful practices at HSE that had proved their efficiency at other Russian or international universities, with the winners receiving their prizes at the beginning of December. The winning projects include new approaches to writing theses, organising space in classrooms, and submitting reports on academic trips.
KIVO Education Innovation Competition Announces Winners
The winners are ‘d notation’, an app that is capable of imputing sheet music and learning music notation on smartphones, tablets and interactive whiteboards (from St. Petersburg), and Dysgraph, an online service that’s used to diagnose and treat dysgraphia in children (from Krasnoyarsk).

HSE Students Win International Competition in Computer Security
Team HSE has taken second place at RuCTF - a leading information security competition. The championship was held in Ekaterinburg on April 14-17, 2017. RuCTF (‘Capture the Flag’) is an annual open all-Russian interuniversity competition and conference on information security. The event has been held annually since 2008.

Management Students Win L'Oreal Brandstorm Tech Challenge National Selection
The HSE Perm student team has won the national round of the L'Oreal Brandstorm Tech Challenge, becoming the best in Russia. The national selection round in this case competition was held in Moscow, and the 9 best Russian teams competed for the national title.