‘Outstanding Alumni Endowment’ Supports Young Scientists with Scholarships
The winners of the Student Research Paper Competition were given their awards at HSE University on Pokrovsky Boulevard. The ‘Outstanding Alumni Endowment’ scholarship was given to the authors of the best works in the ‘Economics’, ‘Sociology’ and ‘Political Science’ categories.

Faculty of Computer Science to Become First HSE Department with Own Endowment
On April 26, the HSE Academic Council approved a charter for the creation of a Board of Trustees at the Faculty of Computer Science. Board members include senior executives from Yandex, JetBrains, SAS, 1C, and Sberbank. The endowment will be used by the faculty to fund long-term projects.

VTB Starts Funding Comparative Social Research at HSE
This year VTB is launching the Endowment for Comparative Social Research at HSE. The endowment will make it possible to invest 10-20 million roubles in research each year. The exact amount will depend on trust management of the endowment assets, implemented by VTB Capital Investment Management.

Voronovo Student Center Gains New Sports Ground Funded by HSE Endowment
On October 18, the opening ceremony for a new sports ground took place at HSE's Voronovo Student Center. The sports ground was fully funded by the HSE Endowment, and is the first project delivered on endowment funds.