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‘Over 20% are Presentations by International Researchers’

The Preliminary programme of the XIII International Aca­demic Conference on Economic and Social Development which will take place on April 3 – 5, 2012, has been published on the HSE website. Andrey Yakovlev, Vice Rector of the HSE, told us more about the programme.


The results of the 2011 international ranking of the 1000 best business schools in the world have been announced at the annual conference of EDUNIVERSAL, an independent ranking agency. The Higher School of Economics has again received the ‘3 Palmes’ nomination among Russian universities (Business School Ranking in Russia).

Strategies of Marketing

From November 6th – 26th the HSE Faculty of Management again welcomed Wesley Johnston, Professor at Georgia State University (USA) who this time came to Moscow funded by the Fulbright Senior Specialist programme. What did he and his colleague Olga Tretyak, Head of the HSE Department of Strategic Marketing, manage to achieve during this time?

‘Why Are We Not Together?’

On December 1st an inauguration ceremony for Alexander Rahr, a prominent expert in Russian-German relations, as Honorary Professor of the HSE took place at the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs. After the event he gave a lecture on the history, problems and dynamics of the bilateral politics of Germany and Russia.

‘It’s Time to Discuss Our Projects’

From November 18th-19th the First International Moscow Finance Conference, organized by the HSE International College of Economics and Finance, took place at the Higher School of Economics. Carsten Sprenger, Head of the HSE International Laboratory of Financial Economics, told us about the conference participants, the programme and his impressions of the event.

The Ambassador of Austria to Russia, Dr. Margot Klestil-Löffler, opened an Austrian Library at the HSE

Austria, country of paradoxes, very small geographically but very big culturally, home of Mozart, Freud and Rilke, is now linked to Nizhny Novgorod. On November 28th 2011, an Austrian Library was opened in the HSE building in Nizhny Novgorod, becoming the fourth Austrian cultural and educational center in Russia.

‘The Expansion of The University Sets Some New Limitations And New Development Tasks’

On November 25th the Academic Council of the Higher School of Economics summarized the university’s work over the last year.

New, but Already Successful

On November 25th a reporting conference of the HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) on ‘Comparative Sociology in Quantitative Perspective’ was held at the HSE.

The First International Moscow Finance Conference

On November 18-19, 2011 the Higher School of Economics (HSE) hosted the First International Moscow Finance Conference, organized by the International Laboratory in Financial Economics (LFE) and ICEF.

Awards and New Areas of Development

On October 28th 2011, a session of the Academic Council of the Higher School of Economics took place at the HSE, The event began with an award ceremony: Claude Blanchemaison, Professor at the Paris-Dauphine University, former French Ambassador in Russia and a long-time friend of the HSE, was given the title of HSE Honorary Professor.